Late payment on your non-life insurance with DGA Insurance

It may happen that you do not have enough funds in your account. Then we will not be able to collect the premium. You can also forget to transfer your premium once in a while. In either case, you are in arrears. We will then send you a payment reminder.

What can you do in case of late payment?

Do you want to pay the outstanding premium immediately? Then you can do that via account number: NL67 ABNA 0533935660 in the name of DGA Insurance. Always mention the invoice number!

Are you unable to pay right away? And have you not received a letter from our collection agency, Ultimoo Incasso yet? Then please contact us. This is possible on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 0118-421437.

Have you already received a letter from Ultimoo Incasso?

Then the contact about the payment arrears goes through them. You can reach them on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 0348-493611. Keep the letter from Ultimoo Incasso ready and they will help you out.

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What happens if you are in arrears?

Not responding to our payment reminders? Then the payment arrears and the reminder costs also increase. Ultimately, our debt collection agency, Ultimoo Incasso, takes over for us.

You may be able to make a payment arrangement

Are you unable to pay your late contributions all at once? Then you may be able to make a payment arrangement with us. Together with you, we will establish a payment arrangement. However, we must then be able to collect the premium from your account. If that does not work, the arrangement will expire.

If your motor vehicle is uninsured, you are punishable!

The Road Traffic Service (RDW) regularly examines whether all registered motor vehicles are insured. Is your motor vehicle not insured? Then you will be fined hundreds of euros by RDW because you are legally obliged to insure your motor vehicle.

When does your insurance cover stop?

If you don't pay the premium, the insurance coverage stops. The letter states which date applies to you. The coverage will then expire retroactively. So you cannot submit claims from the moment we should have received the premium.

You paid. When will you be insured again?

You are insured again from the day after we receive your overdue premium. This also applies to your motor insurance.

Do you want to pay by direct debit from now on?

With a direct debit, you reduce the risk of missing a premium payment. In addition, the premium is always collected on time.

How to set up a direct debit

Preferably let us know by email. This can be done via your intermediary or via DGA Insurance. Please send an email to Indicate that you want to pay by direct debit from now on. Please include your full name, address, account number and policy number of your insurance in the email.

DGA Financial Advisors

Kranenburg Road 94
2583 EN The Hague

Telephone: 070 - 355 66 48

Chamber of Commerce number: 27165775

DGA Financial Advisors is registered with the Financial Markets Authority under license number: 12002612.

Our opening hours are: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Appointments outside office hours are of course possible.