For a advantageous disability insurance DGA Financial Advisors is the place to be. Our experienced advisors are happy to help you, and together with you, we will find the insurance that best suits your personal situation.
Because DGA The Hague works completely independently and is not bound to any bank or insurance company, you are assured of objective advice. In addition, we can offer you tariffs that are among the lowest in the Netherlands.
You are very welcome at our office in The Hague. Or would you prefer one of our advisors to visit you? Then we would be happy to make an appointment with you!
Many customers in The Hague, Scheveningen, Voorburg, Leidschendam, Voorschoten, Stompwijk, Zoetermeer, Nootdorp, Rijswijk, Wassenaar, Pijnacker, Delft and Wateringen have obtained a affordable disability insurance through DGA Financial Advisors. Of course, we are also happy to help you!
Disability insurance provides replacement income in the event of disability. The payment of this insurance is usually based on a certain percentage of your current income.
DGA The Hague is happy to inform you about the various options and see which disability insurance suits you best. In doing so, we not only look at the price, but also at the conditions.
Door uw verschillende verzekeringen samen te voegen tot één pakket, kunnen wij voor u in de regel een enorme besparing realiseren, want u kunt van de betreffende maatschappij een korting krijgen die flink kan oplopen. Door uw verzekeringen bij DGA Den Haag onder te brengen, heeft u bovendien alles overzichtelijk op een rij, en krijgt u ook de beste service! Mocht u bijvoorbeeld een verzekering moeten aanspreken, dan neemt u eenvoudig even contact met ons op en dan regelen wij voor u de hele verdere afhandeling!